Commands and Permissions
Usually you don’t need to use ANY command for BlueMap to render and update the maps properly. Even if you delete your world and create a new one, BlueMap should automatically detect this and delete the old map and render the new world, as long as the map is configured correctly.
Only if you changed some map-settings or other configuration that requires a re-render of the map, then you might need to manually purge the map.
Here is a table with all commands and their permissions that you can use if you use BlueMap as a plugin/mod:
Arguments that look like
are required!
Arguments that look like[this]
are optional!
command | permission | description |
/bluemap | bluemap.status | displays BlueMaps render status |
/bluemap version | bluemap.version | displays BlueMaps version and some more useful system-information |
/bluemap help | | displays links to this wiki and the support-discord |
/bluemap reload [light] | bluemap.reload, bluemap.reload.light | reloads all resources, configuration-files and the web-server (light => re-loads everything other than resources (resourcepacks/mods) which is faster) |
/bluemap maps | bluemap.maps | shows all maps loaded by BlueMap |
/bluemap storages | bluemap.storages | shows all storages configured/available |
/bluemap storages <storage> | bluemap.storages | shows a list of all maps that are on this storage |
/bluemap storages <storage> delete <map> | bluemap.storages.delete | deletes the (unloaded) map from that storage (for deleting loaded maps, use the /bluemap purge <map> command) |
/bluemap stop | bluemap.stop | pauses all rendering (persists over a server-restart) |
/bluemap start | bluemap.start | resumes all paused rendering (persists over a server-restart) |
/bluemap freeze <map-id> | bluemap.freeze | pauses all updates on a specific map (persists over a server-restart) |
/bluemap unfreeze <map-id> | bluemap.unfreeze | resumes all updates on a previously frozen map (persists over a server-restart) |
/bluemap purge <map-id> | bluemap.purge | purges (deletes) all data of a rendered map (the map will be re-rendered afterwards, as long as it is not frozen) |
/bluemap update [map-id] [x z] [block-radius] | bluemap.update | updates the whole world or optionally a defined radius around the player (only renders changed chunks) BlueMap detects and updates your map automatically, usually you should not need this command :) |
/bluemap fix-edges [map-id] [x z] [block-radius] | bluemap.update | renders (even if nothing has changed) the edges of a map again (usually not needed, but can help if there is an issue after changing the map-limits) |
/bluemap force-update [map-id] [x z] [block-radius] | bluemap.update | renders (even if nothing has changed) the whole world or optionally a defined radius around the player BlueMap has a really reliable way of detecting changes in your world and only rendering those. You should only need this command for testing! |
/bluemap tasks | bluemap.tasks | shows the current task-queue that is being processed by the render-threads |
/bluemap tasks cancel <task-ref> | bluemap.tasks.cancel | cancels the referenced render-task in the queue You usually should not need this command. Consider using /bluemap freeze instead :) |
/bluemap troubleshoot [map] [x z] | bluemap.troubleshoot | tries to find potential issues with the map or world at the players (or defined) position and gives suggestions on how to fix them |
/bluemap debug world [map] [x y z] | | prints some debug info about the world at the players (or defined) position |
/bluemap debug map [map] [x z] | | prints some debug info about the map-tile at the players (or defined) position |
/bluemap debug dump | bluemap.debug.dump | creates a file ./bluemap/dump.json containing lots of info about bluemaps current state |