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Configuring Mods

  1. General
  2. Configs
    1. Custom block models
    2. Custom biomes
    3. Block-properties config
    4. Block-colors config


BlueMap is automatically looking for mods and datapacks in your server-files. If it finds them it will try to load them and parse its resources to be able to render any additional blocks.
If you don’t want this, you can turn this auto-discovery off in the core.conf -> scan-for-mod-resources.

BlueMap might not be able to parse all blocks and resources for a mod. For example, if a mod generates its resources/block-models at runtime, BlueMap won’t be able to find them in the mod.jar and will not be able to render them correctly! If you have experience with creating resource-packs with custom models, then you can easily make a resource-pack with static resources for such a mod. BlueMap can then load your resource-pack instead and render the blocks based on that.


Some mods add special blocks that have properties that BlueMap can’t easily read from the mod’s resources. For this, you can add some configs to tell BlueMap how to render them.
You need to put these config files in a .zip file or folder, and then put that into BlueMap’s packs folder.
(You are basically creating a special resource-pack for BlueMap here)

Custom block models

Use the standard resourcepack format to define custom block-states and block-models.

Custom biomes

Use the standard datapack format to define custom biomes.

Block-properties config

File: assets/modid/blockProperties.json

  "minecraft:bubble_column": { "alwaysWaterlogged": true },
  "minecraft:grass": { "randomOffset": true },
  "minecraft:glass": { "occluding": false, "cullingIdentical": true },
  "minecraft:ice": { "cullingIdentical": true }

Usually BlueMap tries to guess those properties based on the block’s model. But if that guess is not correct, you can change the render-behaviour of a block with this config.

Possible properties for blocks are:

  • alwaysWaterlogged are blocks that are waterlogged by default. So they don’t need the “waterlogged” property to be rendered as a waterlogged block
  • randomOffset are blocks that have a small random offset to break the grid-like pattern. In vanilla minecraft this is done for grass-blocks and flowers
  • occluding is used to determine if the block is “occluding” light when calculating the ambient occlusion on neighbor blocks.
  • cullingIdentical means that if the block is directly next to another block of the same type, then the side facing that block will be culled (removed)

Block-colors config

File: assets/modid/blockColors.json

  "minecraft:water": "@water",
  "minecraft:grass": "@grass",
  "minecraft:birch_leaves": "#86a863",
  "minecraft:redstone_wire": "@redstone"

Some blocks like grass, leaves, water or redstone are dynamically colored. Those colors change by biome, properties or are just static.

Possible values are @foliage, @grass, @water to use the foliage-, grass- or water-color of the biome to color the block, @redstone to use the power-level of the block (used for redstone), or a static color using a css-style color-hex like #86a863.